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Your search has found 328 articles in the database for the term 'Cognitive Function'

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Computerised cognitive training for older persons with mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study using a randomised controlled trial design

...either the treatment or waitlist training groups. Sixteen participants completed the 30-session computerised cognitive training program using exercises that target a range of cognitive functions including attention, processing speed, visual...

Fish consumption and cognitive function among older people in the UK: baseline data from the OPAL study

...Background: Observational epidemiological data suggest that habitual consumption in later life of oily fish, rich in n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LCPs), is associated with better cognitive function,...

Hostility and change in cognitive function over time in older blacks and whites

...8.8 years (mean = 4.4 years). At the baseline interview, hostility was assessed with 8-items from the Cook-Medley Hostility Scale. Cognitive function was assessed at each interview with four cognitive...

Cognitive stimulation for Portuguese older adults with cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial of efficacy, comparative duration, feasibility, and experiential relevance

...Although some studies point to cognitive stimulation as a beneficial therapy for older adults with cognitive impairments, this area of research and practice is still lacking dissemination and is...

Can a memory club help maintain cognitive function? A pilot investigation

...memory strategies—would be associated with changes in cognitive function during 1 year. Controlling for relevant covariates, we found that club participation was associated with improvements in two of three executive...

Predicting decline in mild cognitive impairment: A prospective cognitive study

...Objective: The primary aim of this study was to identify cognitive tests that differentiate between persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) who later develop cognitive decline and those who...

Cognitive changes in mild cognitive impairment patients with impaired visual recognition memory

...Objective: This study aims to evaluate whether assessing memory using the visual recognition memory task DMS48 in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) can contribute to the early diagnosis of...

Physical activity and cognitive functioning in the oldest old: Within- and between-person cognitive activity and psychosocial mediators

...The current study examines the role of social contact intensity, cognitive activity, and depressive symptoms as within- and between-person mediators for the relationships between physical activity and cognitive functioning....

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